Sunday, September 2, 2012


Hi, my name is (not important), and I'm a sugar-aholic.  I know it's bad for me, I know I should stop, but like many others I struggle with self-control.

I start out this way to hopefully make it as clear as possible that although I have many exciting ideas and plans, I sometimes -- often -- don't live up to my standards.  I'm not perfect.  The point is I'm trying.  And I'm writing this blog to help gather all of my ideas, experiences, recipes, motivations, etc, into one place.  If it helps someone else in the process, great!  If not, hopefully it will at least help me to stay on track with my goals.

I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, otherwise known as LDS or Mormons.  We have a chapter of scripture called the Word of Wisdom that explains God's law of health.  I'm striving to better follow it including eating better food, avoiding harmful or addictive foods and substances, and exercising regularly.  I'm not trying to lose weight, just to become more fit and generally well.

I am going to attempt to follow certain dietary guidelines that are not specified in the Word of Wisdom, but they are not conflicting with it either.  I am interested in cutting back my sugar intake, if not cutting candy and desserts out entirely.  I would eventually like to eat very similarly to a vegetarian, vegan, or flexitarian.  (I haven't yet decided which.)

Please feel free to share your own ideas, experiences, and advice.  I'd love to hear from you!

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